Jelle Lauwers - Izzet Control
Creature (1) 1 Brazen Borrower Spell (35) 1 Scorching Dragonfire 1 Thirst for Meaning 3 Lofty Denial 4 Frantic Inventory 4 Into the Roil 4 Opt 4 Roil Eruption 1 Bubble Snare 2 Weaponize the Monsters 4 Improbable Alliance 4 Roost of Drakes 1 Jace, Mirror Mage 1 Teferi, Master of Time 1 The Royal Scions Land (24) 4 Swiftwater Cliffs 8 Mountain 12 Island | Sideboard (15) 2 Blazing Volley 2 Bubble Snare 1 Mystical Dispute 3 Negate 3 Scorching Dragonfire 4 Teferi’s Tutelage |
Alexander Silnichenko - Orzhov Aggro
Teddie Andersson - Grixis Control
Niels Viaene - Mono Red
Creature (14) 1 Bonecrusher Giant 1 Phoenix of Ash 4 Akoum Hellhound 4 Goblin Arsonist 4 Weaselback Redcap Spell (24) 3 Infuriate 4 Shock 4 Spikefield Hazard 2 Satyr’s Cunning 3 Weaponize the Monsters 4 Anax, Hardened in the Forge 4 Heraldic Banner | Sideboard (15) 1 Obosh, the Preypiercer 3 Blazing Volley 3 Destructive Tampering 4 Final Flare 1 Satyr’s Cunning 3 Searing Barrage |