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HomeDecksListas de los mazos del Gentry ! - The Gentry Magic League,...

Listas de los mazos del Gentry ! – The Gentry Magic League, 10/11/2020.

Jelle Lauwers - Izzet Control

Creature (1)
Brazen Borrower

Spell (35)
Scorching Dragonfire
Thirst for Meaning
Lofty Denial
Frantic Inventory
Into the Roil
Roil Eruption
Bubble Snare
Weaponize the Monsters
Improbable Alliance
Roost of Drakes
Jace, Mirror Mage
Teferi, Master of Time
The Royal Scions

Land (24)
Swiftwater Cliffs
12 Island
Sideboard (15)
Blazing Volley
Bubble Snare
Mystical Dispute
Scorching Dragonfire
Teferi’s Tutelage

Alexander Silnichenko - Orzhov Aggro

Creature (18)
General Kudro of Drannith
Luminarch Aspirant
Luminous Broodmoth
Lurking Deadeye
General’s Enforcer
Nightsquad Commando
Seasoned Hallowblade
Whisper Squad

Spell (18)
Blood Curdle
Grasp of Darkness
Village Rites
Dire Tactics
Demonic Embrace
Lampad of Death’s Vigil
Sanctuary Lockdown
Bastion of Remembrance

Land (24)
Evolving Wilds
11 Swamp
Sideboard (15)
Checkpoint Officer
Feed the Swarm
Forever Young
Grasp of Darkness
Omen of the Dead
Omen of the Sun

Teddie Andersson - Grixis Control

Creature (4)
Sprite Dragon

Spell (33)
Fire Prophecy
Rain of Revelation
Blitz of the Thunder-Raptor
Frantic Inventory
Lofty Denial
Scorching Dragonfire
Feed the Swarm
Sanctum of Calm Waters
Improbable Alliance
Ashiok, Nightmare Muse
Jace, Mirror Mage
The Royal Scions
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

Land (23)
Bloodfell Caves
Dismal Backwater
Swiftwater Cliffs
Sideboard (15)
Blazing Volley
Essence Scatter
Feed the Swarm
Fire Prophecy
Revenge of Ravens

Niels Viaene - Mono Red

Creature (14)
Bonecrusher Giant
Phoenix of Ash
Akoum Hellhound
Goblin Arsonist
Weaselback Redcap

Spell (24)
Spikefield Hazard
Satyr’s Cunning
Weaponize the Monsters
Anax, Hardened in the Forge
Heraldic Banner
Sideboard (15)
Obosh, the Preypiercer
Blazing Volley
Destructive Tampering
Final Flare
Satyr’s Cunning
Searing Barrage
Blue Hurricane
Blue Hurricane
Cronista, fotógrafo, historiador y artífice.


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