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HomeArticulosLas Listas De los Mazos Commander De Modern Horizons 3.

Las Listas De los Mazos Commander De Modern Horizons 3.

La lista del primer mazo Commander de Modern Horizons 3 se encuentra aquí. Como advertencia, las cartas nuevas en el mazo no serán permitidas en Moderno. A medida que se revelen a lo largo de la semana, se agregarán más listas de mazos a este artículo.

Creative Energy

Comandante (1)
Satya, Aetherflux Genius

Creaturas (26)
Aethergeode Miner
Amped Raptor
Aurora Shifter
Grenzo, Havoc Raiser
Roil Cartographer
Burnished Hart
Overclocked Electromancer
Professional Face-Breaker
Razorfield Ripper
Skyclave Apparition
Whirler Virtuoso
Aetherstorm Roc
Cayth, Famed Mechanist
Solemn Simulacrum
Angel of Invention
Goldspan Dragon
Lightning Runner
Silverquill Lecturer
Sphinx of the Revelation
Aethertide Whale
Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
Combustible Gearhulk
Aethersquall Ancient
Myr Battlesphere
Blaster Hulk
Salvation Colossus

Hechizos (8)
Swords to Plowshares
Akroma’s Will
Glimmer of Genius
Tezzeret’s Gambit
Confiscation Coup
Localized Destruction
Austere Command

Artefactos (22)
Sol Ring
Wayfarer’s Bauble
Arcane Signet
Decoction Module
Izzet Generatorium
Solar Transformer
Talisman of Conviction
Talisman of Creativity
Talisman of Progress
Unstable Amulet
Aethersphere Harvester
Coalition Relic
Conversion Apparatus
Hourglass of the Lost
Midnight Clock
Aetherworks Marvel
Bespoke Battlewagon
Filigree Racer
Stone Idol Generator
Aether Refinery
Coveted Jewel
Gonti’s Aether Heart

Encantamientos (4)
Era of Innovation
Bident of Thassa
Scurry of Gremlins
Legion Loyalty

Otros (1)
Jolted Awake

Tierras (38)
Adarkar Wastes
Aether Hub
Azorius Chancery
Battlefield Forge
Castle Vantress
Command Tower
Demolition Field
Frostboil Snarl
Furycalm Snarl
Izzet Boilerworks
Mystic Gate
Mystic Monastery
10 Plains
Port Town
Prairie Stream
Shivan Reef
Temple of Enlightenment
Temple of Epiphany
Temple of Triumph

Nuevas Cartas

Arte Extendido


Eldrazi Incursion

Comandante (1)
Ulalek, Fused Atrocity

Creaturas (29)
Wastescape Battlemage
Azlask, the Swelling Scourge
Chittering Dispatcher
Eldrazi Displacer
Glaring Fleshraker
Mutated Cultist
Snapping Voidcraw
Vile Redeemer
Bismuth Mindrender
Inversion Behemoth
Sifter of Skulls
Ulamog’s Nullifier
Titans’ Vanguard
Angelic Aberration
Deepfathom Skulker
Drowner of Hope
Oblivion Sower
Sire of Stagnation
Benthic Anomaly
Hideous Taskmaster
Morophon, the Boundless
Spawnbed Protector
Twins of Discord
World Breaker
Elder Deep-Fiend
Ulamog’s Crusher
Artisan of Kozilek
Ulamog’s Dreadsire

Planeswalkers (1)
Ugin, the Ineffable

Hechizos (13)
Ancient Stirrings
Eldritch Immunity
Suffer the Past
Warping Wail
Crib Swap
Kozilek’s Return
Eldrazi Confluence
Return of the Wildspeaker
Selective Obliteration
Ugin’s Insight
Rishkar’s Expertise
All Is Dust
Skittering Invasion

Artefactos (14)
Everflowing Chalice
Sol Ring
Arcane Signet
Idol of Oblivion
Talisman of Curiosity
Talisman of Dominance
Talisman of Impulse
Talisman of Resilience
Herald’s Horn
Hedron Archive
Mystic Forge
Eldrazi Monument
Forsaken Monument
Dreamstone Hedron

Encantamientos (4)
Awakening Zone
Garruk’s Uprising
Imprisoned in the Moon
Eldrazi Conscription

Tierras (19)
Adarkar Wastes
Ash Barrens
Battlefield Forge
Bonders’ Enclave
Cascading Cataracts
Caves of Koilos
Command Tower
Corrupted Crossroads
Eldrazi Temple
Exotic Orchard
Karplusan Forest
Llanowar Wastes
Opal Palace
Path of Ancestry

Reliquary Tower (18)
Ruins of Oran-Rief
Secluded Courtyard
Shivan Reef
Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
Spawning Bed
Sulfurous Springs
Tectonic Edge
Temple of Malady
Temple of Silence
Tendo Ice Bridge
Tomb of the Spirit Dragon
Tranquil Landscape
Twisted Landscape
Unclaimed Territory
Underground River
Yavimaya Coast

Nuevas Cartas

Tricky Terrain

Comandante (1)
Omo, Queen of Vesuva

Creaturas (24)
Magus of the Candelabra
Floriferous Vinewall
Fog Bank
Hydroid Krasis
Poison Dart Frog
Satyr Wayfinder
Wonderscape Sage
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove
Elvish Rejuvenator
Rampant Frogantua
Ramunap Excavator
Sage of the Maze
Scute Swarm
Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath
Jyoti, Moag Ancient
Acidic Slime
Tatyova, Benthic Druid
Hydra Broodmaster
Rampaging Baloths
Ulvenwald Hydra
Avenger of Zendikar
Apex Devastator

Planeswalkers (2)
Nissa, Steward of Elements
Vivien Reid

Hechizos (18)
Aggressive Biomancy
Arcane Denial
Curse of the Swine
Finale of Revelation
Growth Spiral
Sylvan Scrying
Beast Within
Drown in Dreams
March from Velis Vel
Eureka Moment
Summary Dismissal
Hour of Promise
Replication Technique
Urban Evolution
Treasure Cruise

Artefactos (7)
Expedition Map
Sol Ring
Arcane Signet
Chromatic Lantern
Mirage Mirror
Oblivion Stone
Seer’s Sundial

Encantamientos (4)
Copy Land
Desert Warfare
Mana Reflection

Tierras (44)
Basilisk Gate
Blast Zone
Command Tower
Dark Depths
Desert of the Indomitable
Desert of the Mindful
Dreamroot Cascade
Flooded Grove
Hashep Oasis
Hidden Cataract
Hidden Nursery
Horizon of Progress
Lair of the Hydra
Lazotep Quarry
Lumbering Falls
Lush Oasis
Overflowing Basin
Planar Nexus
Quandrix Campus
Simic Growth Chamber
Simic Guildgate
Sunken Palace
Talon Gates of Madara
Temple of Mystery
Thespian’s Stage
Thornwood Falls
Urza’s Mine
Urza’s Power Plant
Urza’s Tower
Vineglimmer Snarl
Volatile Fault
Yavimaya Coast
Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth

Nuevas Cartas

Graveyard Overdrive

Comandante (1)
Disa the Restless

Creaturas (31)
Ignoble Hierarch
Stitcher’s Supplier
Accursed Marauder
Sakura-Tribe Elder
Burnished Hart
Eternal Witness
Gluttonous Hellkite
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds
Yavimaya Elder
Bloodbraid Elf
Coram, the Undertaker
Exterminator Magmarch
Sawhorn Nemesis
Siege-Gang Lieutenant
Bloodbraid Challenger
Infested Thrinax
Junji, the Midnight Sky
Syr Konrad, the Grim
Izoni, Thousand-Eyed
Ziatora, the Incinerator
Broodmate Tyrant
Archon of Cruelty

Planeswalkers (3)
Grist, the Hunger Tide
Liliana, Death’s Majesty
Garruk, Apex Predator

Hechizos (14)
Faithless Looting
Grapple with the Past
Grisly Salvage
Rampant Growth
Kolaghan’s Command
Maelstrom Pulse
Riveteers Charm
Tempt with Mayhem
Syphon Mind
Bituminous Blast
Chandra’s Ignition
Final Act
Find // Finality

Artefactos (9)
Sol Ring
Arcane Signet
Lightning Greaves
Talisman of Impulse
Talisman of Indulgence
Talisman of Resilience
The Reaver Cleaver
Maskwood Nexus
Altar of the Goyf

Encatamientos (3)
Tarmogoyf Nest
Deathreap Ritual
Deadbridge Chant

Tierras (39)
Canyon Slough
Cinder Glade
Command Tower
Dakmor Salvage
Demolition Field
Evolving Wilds
Exotic Orchard
Forgotten Cave
Kessig Wolf Run
Mossfire Valley
Myriad Landscape
Path of Ancestry
Raging Ravine
Riveteers Overlook
Savage Lands
Shadowblood Ridge
Sheltered Thicket
Smoldering Marsh
Tainted Peak
Tainted Wood
Temple of Abandon
Temple of Malady
Temple of Malice
Terramorphic Expanse
Tranquil Thicket
Twisted Landscape
Viridescent Bog

Cartas Nuevas

El 14 de Junio es la fecha prevista para el lanzamiento de Modern Horizons 3.

Blue Hurricane
Blue Hurricane
Cronista, fotógrafo, historiador y artífice.


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